Climate-Proofing Security: Why South African Government Institutions Must Integrate Climate Change into Business Continuity Planning

Climate-Proofing Security: Why South African Government Institutions Must Integrate Climate Change into Business Continuity Planning

In the face of a changing climate, government institutions in South Africa are realizing the imperative to integrate climate change considerations into their business continuity planning.

Secure Social Media Practices for South African Public Servants: 10 Must-Know Tips to Safeguard Government Institutions

Secure Social Media Practices for South African Public Servants: 10 Must-Know Tips to Safeguard Government Institutions

In the era of digital connectivity, social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a multitude of benefits, from communication to information sharing.

Navigating Security Entrance Design: Retrofit vs. Upgrade for Government Buildings in South Africa

Navigating Security Entrance Design: Retrofit vs. Upgrade for Government Buildings in South Africa

In the ever-evolving landscape of security, where digital threats are on the rise, security managers responsible for government buildings in South Africa must strike a balance between maximizing their physical security budgets and investing in the latest technologies to safeguard their facilities.